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Hoag Skips the Plastic Straw!

Chloe Mei Espinosa

I am happy to announce that Hoag will be joining my campaign to Skip the Plastic Straw in their cafeterias in all of their locations in Orange County!

Since my presentation to Hoag in September 2018, Hoag has eliminated plastic straws in exchange for paper straws in cafeterias in all their locations (Hoag Irvine and Hoag Newport Beach) in Orange County!!

I have had the pleasure of presenting to Hoag twice – once last year in September 2018 to their top executives, and in the last week of July 2019 to more than 30 top hospital leaders in the clinical operations department. I want to give special thanks to Mrs. McNamara (Executive Director, Nursing Strategic Initiatives & Innovation) and Mr. Rick Martin (Senior Vice President of Clinical Operations & Chief Nursing Officer) for inviting me to share my campaign on both occasions. Everyone at Hoag has been very supportive and encouraging with my campaign and in showing that they want to make a change to help our environment.

According to Hoag, close to 1 million straws are used annually in their cafeterias by visitors, Hoag physicians, and employees. With this new change to paper straws, that significantly reduces the number of plastic straws used!

A special shout out to the Hoag Team Mrs. Denise Torok, Mrs. Roxanna Bryant, and Mr. D.J. Leon (see photo above of Hoag team) for making this change happen!!

Way to go Hoag! You are all our ocean heroes!

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